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Baptism record

Colorized picture of Charles (72) and Ann (68) on their 50th wedding anniversary, 1889

The suitcase that is in the previous wedding anniversary picture. Charles and Ann brought this suitcase with them when they sailed from England. The suitcase is now in the possession of their great-great-great-grandaughter, Connie Ziegler Kelly!

The above is the picture of Charles and Anna Rendall, who were born in England. They have been married seventy-three years. Nine children were born to them, eight of whom survive and are Christians. Mr. and Mrs. Rendall have spent seventy-three years of life as members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Rendall will be ninety-six next March. On Sunday, December 29, he walked a mile and a half to Church service and stayed for Sunday School. Mrs. Rendall is a saintly woman. The veil of flesh is worn so thin, the soul's inner glory easily shines through. Their many pastors who have been made to feel "at home" by their full-handed generosity will welcome this picture. They are both members of our Delavan (Minn.) Church."

Golden Anniversary announcement

Colorized picture of Charles (97) and Ann (93) on their 75th wedding anniversary, Jul 30, 1914, 3 months before Ann's passing

Rare Event Was Duly Observed Thursday Last Near Delavan. Seventy-Five Years of Happily Wedded Life.

On Thursday, July 30th, 1914, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rendall, living one mile and a half southeast of Delavan, celebrated the 75th anniversary of their marriage, which took place in England in 1839.
A Rare Event
A diamond wedding is a rare event indeed. We believe this to be the first one ever celebrated in Minnesota, or, indeed, in the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Rendall have our heartiest congratulations.
In spite of the rain which continued to fall nearly all day, a company of ninety, largely descendants and relatives of the aged couple, assembled at the old homestead in Lura township, in honor of the occasion.
All of the nine living children, ranging in age from 44 to 72, were present.
A program had been prepared, and it was planned to serve dinner outdoors, but owing to the weather both had to be transferred to the shelter of the house, where, in close quarters, all conditions were defied and a happy time enjoyed by all.
Among Those Present
Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young of Lynn Haven, Fla., J.B. Rendall and wife of Zion City, Ill., E. J. Rendall and wife of Portland, Ore., Chas. Harding Young of New York City, Mrs. Eliott of North Dakota and Dr. S. A. Cook and family of Winona.
Cablegram from England
A cablegram conveying greetings was received from relatives in England, the home land of long ago. Congratulations by telegram were also received from relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. Flowers and other gifts were received from North and South Dakota, Mankato, Minn., and New York City.
Splendid Gifts
A large bouquet, consisting of 75 splendid roses, and two elegant easy chairs were presented by the family. The photos, one of which is reproduced with this article, were taken
Continued on Page 12 - Col. 2"

* This photo was probably taken at Charles & Ann's 75th anniversary (1914), when these 9 kids were still living. Back row (l-r) is: Joseph Benson, John Fletcher, Charles William, Simon Robert and Enos James. Front row is: Elizabeth, Ellen, Mary & Hannah (her picture was pasted in)

* This is the back of the previous picture detailing who is who. The note about Hannah is incorrect in saying that she had passed away, due to the fact that both Joseph Benson and John Fletcher passed away before her! She was more likely unable to attend her parent's anniversary party for some reason.

Charles Rendall at age 98, with his daughter Elizabeth, great-grandson George More, and great-great-granddaughter, Bonna (1915)

Charles Rendall at age 98, with his great-great-granddaughter, Bonna More

* The Rendall homestead in Delavan, Minnesota, around 1919.
Helen is on the front left side, with the darker dress, the girl in the middle whose head is turned is Veryl, and continuing to the right is (?), then Rachel, Bertha?, (?), Mae and Dempsy.

Lura Cemetery, Easton, MN

Lura Cemetery, Easton, MN

The obituary for Charles Rendall, 1916

Obituary in the Faribault County Register, January 4, 1917

Census August, 1850, Milwaukee County, WI, with first 4 kids

Census June 3, 1860, Summit, WI, with first 9 kids, including George who died at the end of that year

Census June 19, 1880, Luna, MN, with last 5 kids (excluding George who had died in 1860)

Census June 1, 1900, Lura Township, MN, showing only Charles and Ann, but also with daughter Ellen (38) back in the household with daughter Samanatha (12)

Census, April 23, 1910, Lura Township, MN, showing Charles and Ann, still with daughter Ellen (48) and granddaughter Samantha (22)

* Ship manifest, Dec 10th, 1841:
"District of New York--Port of New York.
I Henry Whiting do solemnly, sincerely, and truly Swear that the following List or Manifest of Passengers, subscribed with my name, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs for the District of New-York, contains, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a just and true account of all the Passengers received on board the Ship Alesto whereof I am Master, from Bristol"

* Land registration to Charles for the 160 acres in Minnesota (possibly signed by US Grant?), September 10, 1870. The certificate reads as follows (with handwritten parts in bold):

"Homestead Certificate No. 769
Application 1788

The United States of America,
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

Whereas, there has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a CERTIFICATE of the Register of the Land Office at Winnebago City Minnesota, whereby it appears that pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 20th May, 1862, "To secure Homesteads to actual Settlers on the public domain," and the acts supplemental thereto, the claim of Charles Rendall, has been established and duly consummated in conformity to law for the North East quarter of Section thirty one in Township One hundred and four of Range twenty six in the district of Lands formerly subject to sale at Winnebago City now Jackson Minnesota Containing One hundred and sixty acres according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General.

Now know ye, That there is therefore granted by the UNITED STATES unto the said Charles Rendall the tract of Land above described: To Have and to Hold the said tract of Land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Charles Rendall heirs and assigns forever. and to his heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof, I, Ulysses S Grant, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the CITY OF WASHINGTON, the tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Seventy, and of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES the Ninety fifth

By the President: U S Grant"

Summary of previous document

A chart showing Charles and Ann, and their 12 children along with their spouses

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