| Click on any person's box to navigate to their page The following notations underneath a person's name and picture indicate that more information is known about their: *P*arent(s), *S*pouse(s) and *K*id(s) | Emerson Augustus Jordan
Born: | Aug 23, 1877 (Halls, TN) | Died: | May 17, 1955 (Golddust, TN) - aged 77 |
| | | PARENT(s) | SPOUSE(s) | KID(s) | | | (married May 20, 1896, 142732280) Clara Nevada (Stewart) Jordan (1879-1963)
*S* *K* | Cecil Herbert Jordan (1903-1986)
*P* *S* | | | William Leo Jordan (1904-1990)
*P* *S* | |